
Art projects



María Bueno

Image: Agnes Essonti, Dos amigas, 2020

The bodies are attacked.

Black and Latino bodies more.

The bodies of black and Latina women even more so.

#Blacklivesmatter is not an anecdote

A project by María Bueno, curated together with Julia E. Cabrera, that includes art works by Agnes Essonti, Bianca Nguema, Cristina Savage, Montserrat Anguiano, Nelida L. Taque Nanque along with the collaboration of Verónica Ruth Frías.

HEALING is an exhibition proposal that explores the concepts of healing, care and
affection, linked to the sisterhood between women of the Afro and Latina communities in Spain. It is a testimony and a reflection on the violence towards racialized female bodies during the exceptional moment generated by COVID-19.The curators focus the project on the women of these communities’ capacity for empowerment and on their strength to remain united and healthy through self-constructed spaces.  At the end of the year, it will be available for viewing at RARA A.I.R., the artist Verónica Ruth Frías´s space in Málaga.

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