
Art projects

Mapeo interseccional: arte + teoría + activismo 

Intersectional Mapping: art + theory + activism

Social Justice – Critic Feminism – Antirracism – Anticolonial – Non-binaryn

Image: Frédérique Bangerter and Abeyamí Ortega, Intersectional Mapping: art + theory + activism, 2020

This project – the product of the collaboration between the artist and editor Frédérique Bangerter and the interdisciplinary academic Abeyamí Ortega – proposes the creation of a digital multimedia mapping tool that mobilizes an interactive online archive, accessible and non-exclusive, that links artistic works with theoretical texts, and academic and activist interventions.

The common denominator of the mapping elements is the interest in social justice from feminist, non-binary, anti-racist and de-colonialization critical perspectives.

The guiding axis of the project is the promotion of reflection and dialogue, open and accessible to all audiences, about potential intersections between the arts, critical thinking and social justice from intersectional perspectives. This is acheived through the mobilization, visibility, activation and dialogue of the artistic, intellectual and activist work of people whose voices and bodies are traditionally relegated to the margins, not only of social representation, but also of knowledge production.

WEBMapeo interseccional: arte + teoría + activismo

sino de la circulación de conocimiento. Este proyecto pone esas voces, visiones y cuerpos al centro de la reflexión.

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