
Art projects

online | Malpartida de Cáceres


Yadira de Armas, Zanora Coperias, Yasmina García, Isabel González, Montaña Hurtado, Éncar Martínez, Beatriz Pereira, Laura Pinillos, Sandra Seldas, Sara Torres, Emma Trinidad, Naiara Valdano y Marina P. Villarreal

Image: Isabel León, Doce pasos, 2020. Photograph by Guille Ruiz Mantilla

Woman Art House is an online project for the dissemination of the works of contemporary woman artists. Started in October 2017, the 11 participating authors are committed to making visible the work of women artists who have contributed and are contributing to the construction of art history and whose art practices are the starting point, reference and stimulus for many current artists and researchers.  The initiative emerged on Twitter and more recently on Instagram, spaces where each week an author presents the work of a contemporary artist through a thread of tweets, a system that is widely used online and that we find has interesting metaphors with Herstory. This thread is transformed into different posts and stories on Instagram and a weekly article that is published on the  weblog created for the project.

Among the projects in which Woman Art House participates is the RIP Exhibition (Review, Investigate, Propose), curated by the COCO Collective, at the CCE (Cultural Center of Spain) in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Woman Art House presented their new season renovating the objective of participating in the construction of new stories that question the official Art History, which on many occasions has silenced the very women artists that we investigate and discuss.

The past history of the Vostell Museum serves to relate the project to textile work, a labor traditionally linked to women, and which has subsequently been appropriated by feminist art. This concept of textile art, together with the idea of weaving or knitting, is related to the digital part of Woman Art House. The artist Isabel León carried out an action that links the digital context of the project with the museum's collections and its rural context.
Isabel León focuses her action on Helena Almeida, an artist from the Vostell Malpartida Museum collection who has been researched and discussed in Woman Art House.

Isabel León's presentation and action were recorded on video and incorporated into Woman Art House's digital platforms.
The Vostell Malpartida Museum is  located in the complex of the old wool laundry in the Los Barruecos nature area, a natural monument, 3 km away from the town of Malpartida de Cáceres.  The museum was founded in 1976 by the artist Wolf Vostell. It is made up of the Wolf and Mercedes Vostell Collection, the Fluxus Collection - Gino di Maggio Donation and the Conceptual Artists Collection. In 2018, the museum received The Gold Medal for Merit in Fine Arts from the Ministry of Culture.

Woman Art House also enjoys the support of PAC, Platform for Contemporary Art.



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