
Art projects

Ecologismos femeninos a través del arte contemporáneo. Verónica Álvarez
Madrid | Huelva

Women Environmentalists in Contemporary Art. Verónica Álvarez

SELECTED project BMM2018

Image: Fina Miralles, Relacions. Relació del cos amb elements naturals. El cos cobert de palla. Acción realizada en Sabadell en enero de 1975. Museu d'Art de Sabadell.

Ecologismos femeninos a través del arte contemporáneo [Feminine Ecologies through Contemporary Art] proposes a series of workshops that convey feminist and ecological knowledge through artistic experimentation and action, as well as different social-environmental and gender issues and theories, combining the artistic and performative practice of women artists and researchers who actively promote environmental awareness through their works and their relationship with the rural world.

“Throughout history, women have interacted with natural resources in a respectful, environmentally-conscious way. Gender equality is necessary if we hope to achieve sustainability for our planet, as women are responsible for managing a large part of those resources. This explains why, for some time now, international agencies from the UN to the FAO have been trying to combine both agendas: ecology and feminism moving in the same direction.

The feminine movement is a general, planet-wide initiative that aims to achieve social and environmental harmony. Today’s women artists reflect and share these concerns through works and actions closely linked to this change awareness, and they are the ideal candidates for communicating and integrating these ideas in society.

Female empowerment is essential to a sustainable economic, social and political model."

Verónica Álvarez

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