
Activities, exhibitions and projects

A pel do museo

A pel do museo

Muuseo de Pontevedra


From May 10th to September 15th, 2024

With the project A Pel do Museo by the artist Mónica Alonso (A Fonsagrada, Lugo, 1970), the exhibition cycle Infiltrations is inaugurated. Each year, two artists will be invited to present their works in dialogue with the permanent collection of the Museum of Pontevedra, as a way to promote the collective construction of learning and reach different audiences. Each artist will create specific works that will gradually incorporate contemporary discourses into the museum, always in relation to works from the collection, offering new readings of the pieces.

Mónica Alonso has been working for decades on colors, investigating their therapeutic or healing capabilities, as well as their influence on our moods. With the project A Pel do Museo (the skin color collector), she aims to catalog a selection of skin tones from works of characters represented in the museum, extracting the skin colors from these paintings or sculptures, and revealing them to the viewer. To obtain these colors, the collector relies on a color copier who finds the formula for each one. The copier is a specialist in color formulation, who obtains their exact composition through observation. The collector has a notebook with the formulas that she shares with those who contemplate them, so that anyone with the notebook can replicate them whenever they wish.


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