
Activities, exhibitions and projects

Simpoiesis. Sentirnos hueso, pensarnos ceniza
Las Palmas

Simpoiesis. Sentirnos hueso, pensarnos ceniza

Centro de Arte Juan Ismael

Image: Author of the work: Cristina Déniz Sosa. Title and date: "Escala de grises," 2022, and "Cosecha de humo," 2024. Photographer: Carlos de Saá.


From March 21st to April 27th, 2024

Simpoiesis. Sentirnos hueso, pensarnos ceniza (Simpoiesis. Feeling ourselves bone, thinking ourselves ash), brings us closer to post-anthropocentric currents of thought to break with human exceptionalism and criticize the overexploitation of nature and our distancing from it.

The concept of philosopher Donna Haraway, "simpoiesis," has been taken as a title to allude to that "doing-with" or "becoming-with," referring to the complexity of the relationships between dynamic, responsive, and adaptable systems that the author develops.

It contains the characteristic works of the artist created with animal bones, found after her long walks, delicately treated and exhibited as relics or votive offerings. The same character of sacralization is found in the new series, where the protagonist is the ash collected after the fires that have devastated Canary landscapes such as Tasarte, Tejeda, Inagua, El Paso, or Fataga.

The exhibition, curated by Blanca de la Torre, questions our relationship with the natural environment to propose protocols of ecosystemic connection that suggest new forms of interspecies coexistence. It disengages the territory between the living and the non-living, between the skin body and the earth body, to propose other ways of inhabiting from the all-living, recovering worldviews where everything is a subject, nothing is inert or static.


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